In September, Tim Slab set a goal of completing the highest Highline ever walked in South Africa. He compiled a team from members of Scallywag climbing and The Reel Thing, being Wesley Antonites, Ruan Kotze to help him achieve this goal. And the journey began.
They set to work rigging the Highline between the cliff and the panicle called the Ifidi buttress. Once rigged, the weather turned on them and the walk was not possible to do in the 65km winds, mist and rain they were experiencing at the top. With the initial plan of only being there for four days, Tim was at the point where he considered just taking it all down on day four… but with some encouragement from his team they decided to wait one more day, and as Wesley said, it was a pearl of a day.
Mother Nature heard their request and complied. It was a perfect day on day five and Tim was able to obtain the goal he had set and walked above the clouds.
Photos: Wesley Antonites
Video Footage: The Reel Thing